Intel School #1 Online School in Pakistan
In order to save your time here we have answered to your most of questions
Welcome to INTEL VIRTUAL SCHOOL -IVS International Online School , First step is to submit online admission form here , Once submitted you can know the form status any time by clicking Check your Form status on admission page, After that submit the admission fee and Monthly fee and required documents Student Parent CNIC or NICOP or Passport front page and school leaving certificate for higher grades, After submitting the form our team will contact you within 24 hours and once submitted required documents same day admission will be confirmed.
At Intel Virtual School -IVS International Online School we teach Oxford according to international standard we update the books every year with new edition.
Yes Intel Virtual School-IVS International School is registered and affiliated with different boards.
A dedicated team is hiring for Intel Virtual School-IVS International School and minimum qualification of Teaching staff is Master with B.Ed and most of teachers are M.Phil and M.Ed , Moreover they all are well trained by our system and dedicated to their job.
Intel Virtual School-IVS International Online School always think about parents how we can support them , Its very important once child get admission have to start study immediately so we have educational resources available on Portal, After admission each student will be assigned the user name and password so they can get everything related with study on their mobile and computer.